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Reiki Treatments

Reiki can be a great way to re-set yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Reiki's phonetic origins are from Japan; "Re" = Universal and "kei" = Life Energy.

Reiki is a guided meditative technique for stress reduction and relaxation that is based on Eastern energy healing principles. Energy Healing is meant to target the energy fields in and around the body, to improve the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. This process treats the whole person including body, emotion, mind, and spirit. It creates many beneficial effects that include improved clarity and focus, improved sleeping patterns, relaxation, reduced pain, speed healing, reduce symptoms of illness, and a positive well-being. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement.


Reiki Treatments can assist with:

Reducing Stress and Tension

Promoting Deep Relaxation

Calming the Mind

Removing Negative Energy

Encouraging Mental and Emotional Clarity

Strengthening Intuition and Self-awareness

Speeding Recovery from Surgery/Illness

Relieving Pain/Discomfort

Relieving Trauma

Enhancing Immune System

Improving Sleep

​​​Promoting overall Health and Wellness

Reiki is gaining popularity as a complementary and alternative medicine in health care institutions. It falls alongside of acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, meditation, yoga, and other CAM treatments. This treatment can also be provided during your medical treatments from medical doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists, as it never interferes with your course of treatment. Reiki is best used as a part of your multi-disciplinary health care regiment. 

Please Note:

​Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatments, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Reiki does not take the place of medical care.

Reiki Treatment

Take a moment to relax, breathe, and allow your body to re-set emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Your well-being is so important!

How do I get the most out of my Reiki Treatment?
  1. Be on time for your appointment. If you are late for the session, then it reduces the amount of time needed to do a full healing session. So, to maximize healing benefit, be on time for your appointment.

  2. Time. Allow enough time to get to the session so that you are not in a rushed or frantic state. Best to arrive to the session in a calm and relaxed manner so that you can settle into the session with a clear mind which allows you to focus on the healing you are about to receive instead of your mind racing with thoughts about work, school, family or other concerns. When in a relaxed state, the body can then go into the rest and repair modes of healing.

  3. Come with an open mind and be open to receive the healing. When you are in a receptive state and not attached to specific outcomes, you open yourself up to positive new energy to create healing shifts in wonderful ways you never thought possible. 

  4. Know that every person’s experience will be different. Some people will notice a dramatic shift soon after a session. Whereas, other people may notice a series of gradual shifts over a longer period of time as the healing unfolds. How you heal is unique to you. Honour and celebrate your personal process and progress of healing and the time it takes for you to come back into balance. 

  5. Wear comfortable clothes. This will help you to relax. Tight clothing can create physical tension on the body making it harder to relax and settle into the session.

  6. Consider abstaining from alcohol or recreational drugs 24 hours before your session and for a few days after the session. These substances are hard for the body to process and can put stress on the body, mind and spirit which can slow down the healing process and affect the healing results of the session.

  7. Allow enough time for sleep and rest after your appointment. After the session, the body can enter into relaxation mode. So allowing more time for rest, and going to sleep earlier on the night of the session, can help the body to shift into a mode where deeper healing, cellular repair and rejuvenation can take place.

  8. Stay well hydrated. Drinking an adequate amount of water in the days following the session, can help to ground you and can help the body to flush out toxins - including physical, emotional and mental toxins as your vibration shifts into a brighter, more positive and vibrant state.

  9. Look at healing from a holistic perspective. Is there something out of balance in your life that you need to take action about to create a healthy change? When things are out of balance in our lives, it can create stress and make us sick. So, oftentimes, healthy changes need to be made regarding lifestyle factors, diet, exercise programs, the home environment, relationship dynamics and work habits...etc, to also support the healing process. If something is out of balance in your life and causing you stress or illness, then consider making a healthy change which can have a positive effect on your overall well-being. Remember, you have the power to create positive change and restore balance and health to your life.

  10. Create a solid commitment for healing. It’s very important to be committed to working on your health and wellbeing every day. We often live busy lives and don’t take time for self-care. Make time for your healing and take responsibility for your health to do the work it takes to heal. This can include booking healing sessions as well as follow up sessions, getting medical checkups making healthy lifestyle changes, meditation, exercise and a daily routine of self-care so that you can return to a state of wellness.

  11. Book regular follow up healing sessions to optimize health. Be consistent with booking follow up sessions when they are recommended because more than one session is often needed to create long lasting healing results. When you book a series of healing sessions, then it gives you more opportunity to strengthen, come back into balance and heal which can be the key to successful healing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Spiritually: Reiki can improve connection to the universe, heighten intuitive processes, and get you in touch with your life's path and connection to all things.

Emotionally: Reiki can help to release depression, anxiety, anger, fears, phobias, work though trauma, letting go of insecurities, and promote joy and happiness.

Physically: Reiki can improve back pain, sports injuries, arthritis, muscle tension, insomnia, detoxification, poor circulation, poor digestion, headaches, fatigue and pain, recovery from surgery, reduce side effects from medications and chemotherapy treatments.

Mentally: Reiki can reduce stress, relieve addictions, improve mental clarity, improve concentration, focus and positive self expression.

What can I expect after the treatment?

You should find yourself either very relaxed and feeling “lighter” or feeling re-energized. Allow yourself a few minutes to come fully back into your awareness. You may feel so relaxed that you are spaced-out. Whatever it is that you need, is what you will experience.

Be sure to drink lots of water as Reiki is very detoxifying. You should sleep very well.

It is not unusual for people to experience a mild natural detoxification as the body adjusts itself to the energy shift. It is recommended that you drink some extra water and/or herbal tea so that the toxins are flushed out more readily. You may want to rest more, so allow time for that. Doing some simple stretching exercises will help you feel grounded.

Most people feel an immediate improvement in their level of pain and energy. An overall feeling of well being may be experienced.

Do not expect a diagnosis, as that is not part of Reiki. The practitioner may make common sense suggestions for after-care, such as drinking water and following your body’s needs.


Although people typically leave a Reiki session feeling refreshed, sometimes they notice feeling more tired in the evening than usual. This is not viewed as an adverse reaction, but rather as the body’s natural healing response, something to be heeded. People commonly report a sense of calm and mental clarity and sleeping well after Reiki.

Who can benefit from it?

Reiki is suitable and safe for all people regardless of age, ethnic background, gender or religion. Reiki is also safe during pregnancy. All living organisms including animals and plants can benefit from Reiki healing. Reiki is not a substitute for allopathic medicine, but can be integrated with any other healing modality to support the healing process. Many doctors, natural health care practitioners and hospitals are recognizing the benefits of Reiki healing as a complimentary healing modality.

Can Reiki Really Heal My Condition?

First of all, a distinction must be made made between healing and curing. Healing is when you go to the root of the problem and restore the body’s balance. Curing is what is normally considered done when you actually remove the problem (but maybe not the cause).


When you have surgery you can remove the “sick” organ or tissue but this might not solve the problem as the procedure often does not solve the underlying problem. One can also be healed but not cured, i.e. your body is in balance but you still have a medical problem.

No promises can be made about the outcome of the use of Reiki (or any other healing system including conventional medicine). It all depends on you, your intent, your background and the nature of your problem. Healing is a different experience and has different effects on every individual.

A big step towards healing yourself is to actually realize your need for healing

How often do I need a session?

Reiki is safe and gentle and can be received on a daily basis without any harmful side effects. If a client's condition is chronic, then more sessions should be considered to assist with pain reduction, stress management and emotional discomfort. If the condition is acute, or the client has a general sense of well-being, then fewer sessions may be appropriate. Also, in the healing of unwanted habits and addictions, the client may need to have several sessions to see significant benefits.

Can I Stop Seeing My Doctor Or Stop My Medication After Having Reiki Healing?

No. Reiki works in conjunction with regular medical or psychological treatment. If you has a medical or psychological condition, it is recommended that you see a licensed health care professional in addition to receiving Reiki treatments.


Reiki works in harmony with all other forms of healing, including drugs, surgery, psychological care or any other method of complementary therapy like traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture and will improve the results.

If you have a question, and do not see the answer on this page, you can email Katie at:

Reiki Lineage

The Reiki Lineage is a traceable line of Master-Student energy transition from Mikao Usui. This is an important tradition in Usui Reiki. To truly receive attunement, the Student must be able to trace the Master's lineage back to Mikao Usui.

Reiki Lineage of Reiki Master Katie McIntyre

Katie McIntyre


Rev. Isabelle Faith


Peter Stacey


Bruce Way


Christine Henderson


Mary Shaw


Claudia Hoffman


Phyllis L. Furomoto


Hawayo Takata


Dr. Hayashi


Mikao Usui

Plant Shop

Book an Appointment

Email us to book your Consultation or Treatment. We will reach out to you to arrange the best possible date and time. 

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